For Week of January 16 to 20, 2023

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For Week of January 16 to 20, 2023

Jim Karleskint

Want to start out by making sure all SQE members are aware of the SQE at The Capital Day on  Wednesday, February 8, 2023. I would encourage all members that can work it into your  schedule to come to Topeka this day to meet with your legislator, visit committee meetings, and  attend floor sessions of both the House and the Senate. We will have coffee, tea, and donuts/rolls  available to legislators as the enter the building. We will meet in the basement hallway of the  Capital to greet legislators as they enter that morning. Please make plans if possible if you have  questions or need help with anything don’t hesitate to contact me. 

When talking to legislators I would suggest that you ask the following: 

1. Would you support removing the sunset provision on high density at-risk, which was a  part of the school finance law the court approved. Note: This provision was  recommended by a legislative post audit study to help school districts with a high-density  at-risk student population. 

2. Would you support funding the special education law as recommended by the Governor?  Governor Kelly has proposed to phase in 92% of excess costs over a five-year period. In  the Montoy Supreme Court case the legislature agreed to fund the special education law  but has not done so since 2011. The 2006 legislature approved 92% percent of excess  cost. 

3. In the Gannon case the Kansas Supreme Court approved a legislative proposal to provide  a cost-of-living factor in the school finance law in order to keep funding up to date. Do  you support this provision? 

With the Martin Luther King Day on Monday the work week was one day shorter than normal.  On Tuesday there were School Board members and some Superintendents in town for the KASB  Advocacy Day, I was able to see a few SQE members and speak with you.  

There were a couple of hearing on Thursday that had to do with education. In Senate Committee  on Assessment and Taxation there were hearings on three bills that had similar content. SB 21,  SB, 29, and SB 55 all have to do with providing an annual sales tax holiday for sales of certain  school supplies. The bills differ in the amount allowed to be tax free, items to be tax free, and the  length of the holiday. I testified in a favor of these bills. Neighboring states of Missouri and  Oklahoma currently have these holidays. With passage of one of these bills we can help parents  and keep more Kansas dollars in Kansas. In House Education Committee there was a hearing on  HB 2003. The bill would authorize the Kansas State High School Activities Association to  establish a school classification system based on student attendance and other factors. As most of  you know this is a hot issue for certain schools that compete against schools that have a record of  consistent state championships in athletics. There are strong feelings both ways on this issue. I  know there is also a bill that has been introduced in the Senate with the same subject matter.

Looking to next week. There will be briefings provided to education committees on: Foster Care  Children in School, Special Education Overview, Mental Health Intervention Team Pilot Project,  and Virtual Math Education Program. Teacher of the Year candidates will be presented to both  the House and Senate on Wednesday. 

Tuesday, January 24 

House Education Committee hearing on HB 2040-This bill revises the Kansas school  equity and enhancement act to provide per-student education funding-based student  enrollment in the current year. 

House K-12 Education Budget Committee hearing on HB 2030-This would authorize  nonpublic school students to participate in activities regulated by KSHSAA and allowing  nonpublic school students who enroll part-time in a public school to participate in  nonpublic school activities.  

HB 2060-This would establish the special education and related services task force. 

House Taxation Committee hearing on HB 2002-This would continue the  reimbursement from the taxpayer notification costs fund for printing and postage costs  for county clerks beyond calendar year 2023. 

Note: This hearing has to do with SB 13 passed in 2020 which dealt with revenue neutral rate.  We continue to encourage legislators to exempt schools from this mandate. This has not  happened as yet. This bill would have the state pay for cost to send mailings, the cost is  scheduled to be paid by counties and districts next year. 

Wednesday, January 25 

House K-12 Education Budget Committee hearing on HB 2048-This would provide  additional student eligibility under the tax credit low-income students scholarship  program and increasing the amount of tax credit for contributions made under the  program. 

Note: HB 2048 is probably one of the more concerning bills being heard next week. The  legislature continues to expand this program. This bill grants donors a100% tax deduction for  funding a private school education. This is a tax dodge in the form of charity. It also expands the  eligibility to allow more students to participate. Since most of SQE membership is from rural  Kansas and smaller communities you are aware of the need to keep your public schools thriving.  When schools are forced to close or consolidate, communities suffer. When you speak with your  legislators keep them informed of these concerns. Currently the tax credit scholarship is limited to qualified accredited schools. However, with the push to expand this each year it could only be  a matter of time this there will be an attempt to open to any school, even the for-profit schools. 

Please let me know if you have any questions.